8/29-30/11 My last twofer post!
There's not much to report except the races were held at Indy on Sunday. We got up, packed our mess, and rode to the track. We learned the hard way that if you are on a bike, parking in the infield is free. We had paid (and wasted) $10 for parking on Saturday, not knowing about the freebie. Oh well, what's ten bucks anyway??
The races were an overall disappointment because none of the fast races were close. In each race, the leader took off and had huge leads. So, there was no suspense in the outcome. Some of the races for second or third place were fairly close, but the winner was no contest. The Harley races were pretty good, although the bikes were much slower than the other bikes.
We left the track and had an easy time getting away and onto the Interstate, where we rode 200 miles before calling it a day.
On Monday, we got up and rode home. Temperatures were very comfortable, in the 70s much of the way. I had 502 miles to cover from our overnight stay to Clayton. Nothing to report on the ride.
So, this concludes the posts following being on the road. I will write one final post to give highlights and impressions from an overall perspective. Hope to get it posted before the weekend.
I have enjoyed this trip through your blog, Malcolm.